Growing Support for Sarah Corkery
Every day, new voters throw their support behind our campaign. We're honored to share the endorsements of key supporters like the AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom for All alongside testimonial videos from our neighbors in the district.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
"Sarah Corkery has been steadfast in her defense of a woman’s right to seek health care and an abortion. She has said she would cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act on day one in Congress and fight for any piece of legislation that helps keep a woman’s decision about her own health care between her and her doctor."
National Education Assoc. PAC
"We are excited our national NEA PAC Committee has voted to recommend you for Congress in IA-02! You can find this recommendation on our website here"
Sierra Club
Endorsement by the Sierra Club, America's oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, is sought after by candidates who run for local, state and federal posts.
Candidates supported by the Sierra Club include those who champion legislation that protects our clean air, clean water, and special wild places; speak out against environmentally destructive measures; lobby around important environmental issues; or otherwise work to protect America's natural heritage.
Committee to
Protect Health Care
The Committee to Protect Health Care, composed of over 20,000 doctors and advocates across the United States, fights to expand health care access, lower costs for patients, and protect reproductive rights. Using advocacy campaign tactics, we hold anti-health care politicians accountable and fight back against special interests that put profits before patients.
Progressive Turnout Project
Progressive Turnout Project is proud to endorse candidates who support protecting the fundamental right to vote that’s central to our work as an organization. Our endorsements have historically included funding for Campaign Fellows, who take on important roles in campaigns across the country to help Democrats to victory.
Committee to
Protect Health Care
The political landscape of rural America has shifted significantly over the past two decades, moving from a Democratic stronghold to a predominantly Republican one. This shift can be seen in various parts of the country, where rural areas that once supported Democratic candidates now lean heavily Republican.​

Unlike some Political Action Committees (or 'PACs') that spend their money in secret, we are proud of the work that our team does and are excited to highlight the change we're making.

Endorser List
Iowa Federation of Labor
Reproductive Freedom for All
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Dave Loebsack, Former U.S. Congressman
Pam Jochum, State Senate Minority Leader
Swati Dandekar, Former State Senator
Bill Dotzler, State Senator
Molly Donahue, State Senator
Eric Giddens, State Senator
Rob Hogg, Former State Senator
Jerome Amos Jr., State Representative
Timi Brown-Powers, State Representative
Sue Cahill, State Representative
Bob Kressig, State Representative
Andy McKean, Former State Representative
Sami Scheetz, State Representative
J.D. Scholten, State Representative
Art Staed, State Representative
Ross Wilburn, State Representative
Mary Weaver, Chair of the IA Dem Party Women's Caucus
Vikki Brown, Chair of the Black Hawk Co. Dems
Joe Kaletka, Chair of the Howard Co. Dems
Nick Volk, Chair of the Benton County Dems
Tracy Smith, Vice Chair of the Cerro Gordo Co. Dems
Mitchell County Democrats (IA)
Julie Stauch, Political Campaign Leader